
Clinical Studies
Clinical studies have shown that phyto-estrogen, which are found in Pueraria Lobata, play a role in reducing the risks of breast cancer. Phyto-estrogens are derived from plants while estrogen is a hormone produced in higher animate and humans. They are anti-carcinogenic and hence found to be tumor inhibiting.

In studies conducted in Australia and the UK at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in Perth and Chelsea Hospital for women in London respectively, research patients were treated with doses of phyto-estrogen in regular amounts over a one year period. At the conclusion of the studies, patients have higher levels of phyto-estrogens moderating that levels of estrogen, thus reducing the amount of free circulating estrogen. That in turn, potentially reduces the risk of breast cancer.

Other  beneficial medical effects also included relief for menopause and age-related conditions such as mood swings, hot flashes, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, fatigue, insomnia, hair loss, and cholesterol. Consumption of Phyto-estrogen also reverses vaginal and urinary tract changes, reduces occurrence of cysts, reduces constipation, and even helps women regain their lost sexual function.

Cosmetic results include enlargement and firming up of breasts, healthier clearer skin, fuller more feminine body shape, shiner darker hair and a happier disposition.